What is

Process to rethink the learning experience at the University that aims to transform teaching at the UPC

Phase 1
The destination

Phase 2
The vehicle

Phase 3
The paths

Phase 4
The roadmap

Agreement No. CU/2022/04/02, of October 7, 2022, of the University Senate, by which the strategic commitment of the Board of Directors is ratified to promote a process of collective reflection that must lead to a proposal for the transformation of the learning experience at the UPC.


Phase 1. The Destination: Define and approve the mission of the UPC in the teaching field

On October 4 and 7, 2022, a university senate was held to debate the learning experience at the UPC, in which the launch of “Galàxia Aprenentatge” was approved, a process of collective reflection that must transform the learning experience at the UPC. Following this debate, a participatory process was initiated to define the mission and vision of the UPC.

Chronicle of the University Senate session of October 4, 2022

Chronicle of the University Senate session of October 7, 2022


To contribute to the construction of a sustainable and fair world, through research, technology transfer, dissemination of knowledge, and the training of professionals in engineering, architecture, science, and technology with a critical spirit and the ability to work in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams, adapt to changes, and learn throughout life.


The UPC is a public, Catalan university, rooted in the territory and an international reference, at the service of society, that works for inclusion and to train people with a vocation for service, ethical values, intellectual rigour, and commitment to the construction of a sustainable and fair world; it promotes the most suitable teaching-learning methodologies for each educational environment and transfers and disseminates to society the knowledge generated through research. Students, staff, and alumni of the UPC aspire to form a living, dynamic, egalitarian, and collaborative community throughout life

Phase 2. The Vehicle: Identify and describe the most effective teaching methodologies

The most efficient learning strategies have been selected to achieve deep and lasting learning in the UPC’s areas of knowledge, which allow the development of competencies in critical thinking, sustainability, global justice, and the ability to work in interdisciplinary and multicultural teams. Both scientific literature, which provides evidence on the efficiency of different methodologies, and grey literature, which offers guides and directions for their implementation, have been reviewed. Technological facilitators that enable the best learning experiences have also been included.

Phase 3. The Paths: Challenges and opportunities for implementing teaching methodologies

“Galàxia Aprenentatge” 2023 Projects: In order to pilot the identified methodologies and collect evidence on their relevance and effectiveness in the context of the UPC, the Call for Grants for the execution of “Galàxia Aprenentatge” 2023 teaching improvement and innovation projects was launched in April 2023.

26 grants were awarded. We hope that the experiences resulting from the projects become inspiring agents that contribute to the multiplication of similar initiatives in all the UPC teaching centres and promote the generation of a network of faculty involved in teaching transformation.

Phase 4. The Roadmap: The Action Plan

The framework proposal for the development of the learning experience is being drafted, proposing the elements that should characterise the “Galàxia Aprenentatge” teaching model. This will be shared and enriched through debate and reflection with the entire UPC community.

Phase 5. The Singularities: The teaching centres enter the “Galàxia”

The centres that wish to enter the “Galàxia” will develop their plan for transforming the learning experience, with the support of the institution.