Start of teaching improvement and innovation projects
May 12, 2023
“Galàxia Aprenentatge” 2023 Call
This May marks the start of the implementation of aid to projects selected in the Call for aids for the realization of teaching improvement and innovation projects “Galàxia Aprenentatge” 2023 (Agreement CG/2023/02/30, of February 21, 2023, of the Governing Council — Vice-Rectorate for University Policy).
This year, 26 teaching improvement and innovation projects that are carried out at UPC have received support within the framework of the call, and the period of execution of the aid begins now in May 2023 and must conclude in July 2024.
Fortunately, the call has been excellently received by all the teaching centres of the university and numerous projects that deserve to be promoted have been received.
The evaluation committee of the call, chaired by the rector’s delegate for teacher training, has sought to detect transformative projects in line with “Galàxia Aprenentatge” and with the potential to be an example in some 5 priority lines of the call.
Special thanks to the UPC teaching centres that have been involved in learning about the projects that have been presented to the call and in assessing their possible impact in the centre itself.
As for the forecasts of actions right now, in line with what the call marks, from the ICE work is being done with each selected project to:
- Ensure a good strategy for data collection and analysis to assess and draw conclusions about the impact of teaching innovation and the project on learning,
- Ensure that in the publications and other products of the project funded by this call, explicit reference is made to the support received from the “Galàxia Aprenentatge” call,
- Offer specific workshops on each of the learning strategies contemplated in the call,
- Collect the needs of each selected project in relation to personalised support, which will allow us to study the possibilities that we have from the ICE to be able to respond in the best way.
When the projects are closed, a conference will be held to share results, open to all PDI, which is contemplated as an action to disseminate the knowledge acquired.
We therefore have quite a few months of joint work ahead, in order to align ourselves with the objectives of the call and to continue having a positive impact on student learning.
From the ICE, we hope to be able to make this journey together with the teaching staff involved in each project, and with the corresponding teaching centres, and thus among all give maximum support and visibility to the projects that are already working.